Choose Your Plan

Select a plan that suits your needs. We offer three plans tailored to meet anybody's demands!


  • Storage size: 5GB
  • Notes: Unlimited
  • $5.40/ month
  • or
  • $54/ year if paid annually


  • Storage size: 25GB
  • Notes: Unlimited
  • $11.40/ month
  • or
  • $114/ year if paid annually


  • Storage size: 100GB
  • Notes: Unlimited
  • $17.40/ month
  • or
  • $174/ year if paid annually
Create Your Account

Your name and email can be changed at any time under your account settings

We will send our verification email and instructions to this email address.

Username must be at least 4 characters long and can contain any characters except for spaces. Choose carefully, as username can't be changed afterwards.

Please enter a secure password (must be at least 6 characters long and contain digits, uppercase and lowercase letters).

Please enter your full 12 digit Etihad Guest Membership Number

Payment Information

Your payment information will be safe with us!

Choose the billing cycle for your account:

  • Monthly
  • Yearly
Card Expiry (Month/Year):